Sunday, September 16, 2007

#13 Not so Tasty

Listened to the podcast and visited about half of the resources listed but was not really impressed with the whole tagging and social networking. Maybe I don't really understand it enough or have an actual need for this type of bookmarking, but I'm sure there are others who may find it helpful.

#12 Roll Your Own - Rollyo

This was definitely a very time-consuming yet enjoyable exercise. Spent way too much time examining/visiting all the various search rolls and then trying to fine-tune my own. With more time to PLAY, I could definitely get into some very interesting and informative research. This was a helpful tool.

#11 LibraryThing is the BEST!!

Definitely in love with this Learning Thingy!!! Always wanted to "libraryize" my extensive collection of books - no excuse now. This is GREAT!!!

LetterJames - Image personalization

LetterJames - Image personalization

This is a totally cool way to have fun and be creative. If I were 17 again and did not have a million other more important things to do, I would definitely be sitting at the computer a lot more often.

Very exciting to be able to manipulate images and graphics. Some day I'll come back to this little part of the 2.0 learning program. FUN!!!!

#10 Play Around With.....

This is a totally cool way to have fun and be creative. If I was 17 again and did not have a million other "more important" things to do, I would defintely be tied to my computer and some of the fantastic ways to manipulate images and graphics.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

#7 Something Technology Related That Interests Me......

Definitely have to mention Google Earth!! I am so awed by this way cool site that I have to be careful -- very addicting (and thus time consuming).

I love it though. Really interesting and educational. Am totally amazed by the whole concept and the magnificent results.

# 5 Explore Flickr

Love the ability to maybe someday add my own photos and share with friends and family. For now can only smile when I saw the photo on the lone kayaker at sunset. Brought back many good memories and hope to be in that "zone" again soon.

#2 Lifelong Learning & L2

Attitude "IS" everything!!!

I will - I can - I do

Learning is sometimes "doing" - i.e. sitting down at this computer and entering all this blogger stuff. However, ......READING is learning, too!! And my favorite form of "learning" is reading the weekend paper. (or is it really "entertainment"? - probably a mixture of both).

7 and 1/2 Lifelong Learning Habits

Habit 1: Begin with the end in mind (can sometimes be a long way off but you must never lose hope)

Habit 2: Accept responsibility for your own learning (it's not like we're in school anymore and you can expect a report card to show your accomplishments! It's up to "ME" to focus on making a change)

Habit 3: View problems as challenges (this has ALWAYS been my attitude - CAN DO!!)

Habit 4: Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner (know I have the ability - just need to make myself more focused)

Habit 5: Create your own learning toolbox (have everything at hand; challenge is to select which direction to go)

Habit 6: Use technology to your advantage (can use it to save time but really need to use it to save the earth)

Habit 7: Teach/mentor others (have always encouraged my spouse to try and learn more and want my son to also become more aware of the opportunities that computers offer)

Habit 7 1/2: Play (Of course - but this endeavor requires being OUTSIDE with nature!!!)

Startin All Over Again

This is my next BIG attempt to finally finish up the 2.0 Learning program and hopefully win an MP3 player. (9/15/07)