Sunday, September 16, 2007

#13 Not so Tasty

Listened to the podcast and visited about half of the resources listed but was not really impressed with the whole tagging and social networking. Maybe I don't really understand it enough or have an actual need for this type of bookmarking, but I'm sure there are others who may find it helpful.

#12 Roll Your Own - Rollyo

This was definitely a very time-consuming yet enjoyable exercise. Spent way too much time examining/visiting all the various search rolls and then trying to fine-tune my own. With more time to PLAY, I could definitely get into some very interesting and informative research. This was a helpful tool.

#11 LibraryThing is the BEST!!

Definitely in love with this Learning Thingy!!! Always wanted to "libraryize" my extensive collection of books - no excuse now. This is GREAT!!!

LetterJames - Image personalization

LetterJames - Image personalization

This is a totally cool way to have fun and be creative. If I were 17 again and did not have a million other more important things to do, I would definitely be sitting at the computer a lot more often.

Very exciting to be able to manipulate images and graphics. Some day I'll come back to this little part of the 2.0 learning program. FUN!!!!

#10 Play Around With.....

This is a totally cool way to have fun and be creative. If I was 17 again and did not have a million other "more important" things to do, I would defintely be tied to my computer and some of the fantastic ways to manipulate images and graphics.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

#7 Something Technology Related That Interests Me......

Definitely have to mention Google Earth!! I am so awed by this way cool site that I have to be careful -- very addicting (and thus time consuming).

I love it though. Really interesting and educational. Am totally amazed by the whole concept and the magnificent results.

# 5 Explore Flickr

Love the ability to maybe someday add my own photos and share with friends and family. For now can only smile when I saw the photo on the lone kayaker at sunset. Brought back many good memories and hope to be in that "zone" again soon.